About Us
Once upon a time, John came and he introduced Jesus to Israel by dipping him in water. Jesus introduced the father to us, and later, us to the father. Jesus did a lot of amazing things (read the bible). Jesus said God who created heaven and the earth is his father. Before he agreed to be killed, Jesus also told his trusted friends about the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send.
Jesus said when the Holy spirit comes ,whom i will send to you from the father,that is the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father,He will testify about me ,and you will testify also,be cause you have been with me from the beginning. He told them ( acts 1:8)that they will recieve power when the holy spirit has come upon them and they will be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth.
At MAILKEEPERS,we hear from the witnesses:
On Wed through Saturday, we hear from Peter and from John the rest of the week. During our conference, we hear from Paul who Jesus had appeared to.
Jesus used several stories to describe the place where God is in Charge i.e. the kingdom of God. Once, He said:
“This is what the Kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. (the seed is the word of God-Luke 8:11b). Night and day whether he sleeps or gets up the seed sprouts and grows though he does not know how.
All by itself the soil produces grain – first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in a head”. (Mark 4:26-28).
Mailkeepers is a non-profit organization targeted at believing families and/or their believing children of all ages for the purpose of empowering the believer at every stage and across all age groups with a relevant service for their perfection, for their work of the ministry, and for their building up.
It is a place to give attention, listen, hold and keep the word of God every moment, every hour, everyday.
It is also a place where God is in charge more and more.
At Mailkeepers, our Mondays are lively, Tuesdays, adventurous; Wednesdays , passionate; Thursdays Liberating; and Fridays are intimate!
Mailkeepers grow a fresh outlook into endless possibilities in life by the help of the Holy Spirit.
It is a place where believing boys and girls(BAGS), teens, young adults and adults in their lives will see more, be more and so do more.
It is a place where Faith is stronger than fear, where hope is alive and love always wins.
Our Mission is to wash the saints..through the word of God.
The grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ,
the love of God and the
of the
Holy Spirit.
All are bible based, including science examinations
All are bible based, including science examinations
Help us and God will do the same for you. First need is on Thursdays and Saturdays for prayers.
Our volunteers are trained.
We know that Mailkeepers is not a place for Perfect Saints. It is not a place where laziness is condoned. It is not a place where people are teared down.
Our volunteers are the first to enjoy the rich goodness in our community. Sign up today by texting “volunteer” to 346-298-0474.